Date: Sunday, October 24, 2021
Time: 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: This virtual meeting will be held via videoconference, using Zoom. Contact information and additional documentation will be circulated prior to the meeting, once the membership renewal process (coming soon!) has been completed.
- Introduction & Welcome
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from AGM 2020
- Reports from Executive Members
- Election of 2021-2022 Executive Positions
- Adjournment
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: A full slate of nominations will be presented for this year’s election; however, all positions (except Teacher Rep and Past President) are open for additional nominations. As a parent-run, not-for-profit organization and registered charity, the ongoing support of our membership is critical to helping the OHDA sustain its aims and objectives. Don’t be shy—please get involved!
As a member of the OHDA you are both welcomed and encouraged to put your name forth to be a part of the Executive. For a list of positions and duties, see the OHDA Executive.
Please contact the current President of the OHDA ( by October 15, 2021 if you are interested in becoming part of the Executive Team for 2021-2022.